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How To Create A New Gmail Account

If you want to enjoy many of the Google services associated with the popular e-mail service Gmail, the following steps will show you how to create new Gmail account easily and quickly.

Step 1: Go to the Google homepage
To go to the official homepage for Google, you can type in in the URL toolbar at the top of your browser window. Doing this may take you to your local country page, for example if you are living in the UK. You can still sign up for Gmail from your local Google page, so you can ignore the redirection.

Step 2: Click on the Gmail link
At the top right hand corner of the Google homepage you will see a series of options. One of these is Gmail. Click on the link and you will be taken to the Gmail "Sign In" page. The page will contain a panel for you to enter your Email and Password to sign in. Since you do not have an account yet, look further down the page and find the option to "Create an account". Click on the option to create a new account.

Step 3: Fill in your name, username and password
In order to create a new account, you will have to give Google some information about this on a form that comes up on the account creation page. This includes your first and last names. You can choose a username, which will be the unique email address that you will be using henceforth, in the format ********** If the email address you have chosen you will receive a message letting you know, and you will have to choose another one from the suggestions or create your own. Next, you have to create a password of at least 8 characters for your account. Be sure to create one that is easy for you to remember but seemingly random at the same time. A little pop-up bubble will tell you if the password you have chosen is too short, good, strong or weak. Confirm your password.

Step 4: Fill in other details
Enter your birth date in the format requested, your gender, your mobile phone and your current email address (if you have one). Google uses your phone number and/or existing email address for verification and the safety of your account in the next step. Also take the CAPTCHA challenge to prove you are not a robot - just enter the numbers you see or opt for an audio challenge. If you skip this step, you will have to verify via your mobile phone. Next, select your location, check the box at the bottom to agree to Terms of Service and Google's Privacy Policy and hit "Next Step".

Step 5: Create your Profile
When you have successfully completed the previous page, you will be taken to the Create Profile Page. You can upload an image to display (with the "Add Profile Photo" option) on the web or skip the step to complete your Gmail setup. Click on Next Step to go to the final page.

Step 6: Go to your Inbox
Your account setup complete, you can now go to your Inbox and get started, add a photo if you didn't in the previous step, and begin to explore all you can do with Gmail.